The Secret of What Makes a Winner

What Makes a Winner Win (Backed by Science)

How to Win

You see successful people around you, on social media and TV. Lawyers who win cases. Athletes who attain gold medals. Singers who win talent competitions.

Are you wondering how do they do it?

Most people believe that those who are successful have talent, and that they don’t have it. Nothing can be done — end of story.

I am sure that you are different. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be reading this article.

And you are absolutely right. There is a secret to what makes someone a winner. Psychologists have done much research on this and here are the results. Continue reading “The Secret of What Makes a Winner”

How to Overcome Procrastination

The Ultimate Guide to Stop Procrastinating and Get Your To-do List Done

How to stop procrastinating

Is it difficult for you to do everything you have planned? Are you missing exams, and deadlines?

Sometimes, by the time you start a task, it’s already late – and the stress becomes too high, and you can’t focus.

Do you regularly wake up in the morning and remember your to-do list? Yet, instead of starting work on it, you tend to do anything else. Maybe you start by checking your emails…

You might then message and comment under a post on your favourite Facebook group. Also, you probably think about postponing things during the day.

Welcome to the club! You are procrastinating.

And procrastination is dangerous. Continue reading “How to Overcome Procrastination”

So Good They Can’t Ignore You – Book Review

How to Become So Good They Can’t Ignore You.

So Good They Can’t Ignore You

Are you stuck with your career?

Do you want to have a successful life, but you don’t know how or what to do?

Are you wondering why certain people are successful, and you are not?

In the meantime, you don’t know what you actually want in life. You are wondering what path to follow. Furthermore, all these thoughts make you feel lost, upset and unhappy. 

Are you seriously going to just watch other people succeed? I must warn you that this will lead to more anxiety and depression.

You need to rediscover your passion. Stop procrastinating and start retaking actions again. It’s time for a change!

But, how? Continue reading “So Good They Can’t Ignore You – Book Review”